Friday, August 23, 2019

SOGIE Bill: Senate Bill 1271, 17th Congress of the Republic of the Philippines

A certain article by angkristiyano has been making its rounds in the Christian community and is driving discourse within the church about the controversial SOGIE Bill. And I am afraid that it is spreading misinformation about the contents of the Bill itself. 

Let's tackle the article's concerns one-by-one:

"1. Schools (Even Christian Schools) will be penalized or even be subject to closure for teaching what the Bible says that God created Male and Female and that same-sex relationships are a sin."


Nothing in the Bill says anything about interfering with any academic curriculum. As long as they have complied with requirements of DepEd or CHED, schools may teach as usual. What is being prevented in the SOGIE Bill is the promotion or encouragement of stigma based on SOGIE. Meaning, schools may teach "that same-sex relationships are a sin", and "that God created Male and Female" if that is a usual part of their curriculum. What the Bill proposes is that STIGMA not be created through usual mediums. The SOGIE Bill defines stigma as "the dynamic devaluation and dehumanization of an individual in the eyes of others". Being that education and condemnation are two different things, Christian schools need not worry about having to change their existing religious curriculum.

"2. All exclusive girl schools may not deny a male who believes he is a female from enrolling, and the same applies to all boy schools."


There is nothing in the Bill will compel an academic institution to admit a candidate that it does not deem qualified by the standards that it has set for itself. What is being prevented is that an institution would not admit or expel a student on the basis of SOGIE alone. A fair assessment based on other criteria must be made. Meaning, dismissing an application on the basis of the child identifying as LGBT alone will be considered as a discriminatory act. The academe will still be free to determine and exercise their own guidelines for admission, and the Bill itself recognizes that the same will still take precedence. (Sec. 5, Art. C, Senate Bill 1271)

As for the article's concern over cross-dressing, the same is not even mentioned in the SOGIE Bill, and is therefore a non-issue.

"3. Pastors, Preachers, and Christian will not be allowed to teach in a public place about homosexual acts, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage being a sin in the Eyes of God according to scripture."

In "citing" Sec. 4 Art. L & O of the SOGIE Bill, the author speaks of the removal of "religious freedom in preaching the Gospel to LGBT or talking about Biblical teachings outside the church." Such actions, the article says, would "result in incrimination or you will be put in jail."


First, there is NO Sec. 4 Art. L&O in Senate Bill 1271. The provisions quoted by the angkristiyano article simply do not exist. On this fact alone, we can clearly see an attempt to mislead the Christian community.

Second, religious freedoms are safeguarded by the Constitution and no subsequent law can curtail that. It is a freedom that every Filipino citizen has the right to enjoy. (1987 Philippine Constitution) The church can teach or preach as usual. The SOGIE Bill cannot make a difference in this area. 

What is being prevented here is the use of abuse and violence in dealing with the LGBT community. The law is clear on what is considered as verbal abuse, and preaching the Gospel is not part of this enumeration. 

"4. The bill removes parental rights over their children who may have a homosexual tendency and trying to persuade their children to go against their homosexual feeling can be charged and but to jail."


Again, there is absolutely nothing in the Bill that would prevent an individual from exercising their parental rights over their own child. What is actually being prevented is the use of violence and other forms of abuse toward an LGBT citizen. Being that Christian parents are filled with love and compassion, there is no reason to be alarmed by this inclusion in the Bill. Christian parents can deal with their children in any way they deem fit, as long as they do not harm the child--as is the standard for all children, anyway.

BTW, only a court can determine if parental rights over a child can be revoked. No law can just arbitrarily take that away from any parent. 

"[...] SOGIE would eventually lead to granting same-sex marriage, under SOGIE it says you cannot reject giving a marriage license to anyone regardless of gender."


There is absolutely nothing in the Bill that will compel a government agency to release a marriage license "regardless of gender." The writer of the angkristiyano article might have been confused. Art. 5, Sec. G of Senate Bill 1271 describes the denial or revocation of an application for any government license, authority, clearance, permit, certification or other similar document purely based on SOGIE to be a discriminatory act IF this said application is necessary to exercise a profession, business or any legitimate calling. Clearly, marriage does not fall under this specified list. What is being protected here is the right of an LGBT individual to make a living.

Further, there are existing laws that recognize marriage as an "inviolable institution" in which the State has interest in. Much like religious freedoms, the same is also enshrined in our Constitution. It will take more than one Senate Bill to reverse the definition of marriage in Philippine Law. Although the movement for same-sex marriage is real, the SOGIE Bill is not it.


Most of the concerns in the angkristiyano blog are circumstantial, at best. Remember that a Bill shall pass through many readings, debates and may undergo amendments. Unless it is passed, it is of no threat to anyone yet. Even if it is passed in the Senate and becomes law, citizens still have the recourse of going through the judicial system to preserve their perceived rights and status of living. 

Discourse, in itself, is never a bad thing. It will always be beneficial to be open about our ideas and interpretations. In fact, discourse among citizens is the driving force of a healthy democracy. But I urge you to not contribute in fear-mongering. 

By writing this, I am in no way telling you what to believe. Agree with the Bill if you must; disagree with the Bill if you must. But whatever your stand will be, we all have the responsibility to be well-versed in what exactly we are fighting for or against.

My concern over the over-shared article by the angkristiyano blog is not about the stance it is taking, but the blatant spread of misinformation.  

The best thing? Read the entire SOGIE Bill for yourself. I mean, READ IT. Don't skim it, don't review it, don't pick and choose the parts that you can use on social media. Take in every word, and take a few minutes to think about what it is really saying. Do not rely on this, or any other article or interpretation other than your own. If you must take a public stand, coming to your own informed conclusion is the very least you can do. 

Download the PDF file of the Senate Bill 1271 here.